
Meestic is a small utility made to control the lights of MSI Delta 15 laptop keyboards on Windows and Linux. It provides both a CLI and a system-tray GUI, and can fully replace the official MSI tool (which is not even available for Linux).

KDE screenshot Windows screenshot

It was made by looking at the HID packets sent by the Windows tool with Wireshark. It is provided "as is", I don't make any guarantee about this tool.



Download ready-to-use binaries here: https://download.koromix.dev/windows/

Linux (Debian)

A signed Debian repository is provided, and should work with Debian 11 and Debian derivatives (such as Ubuntu).

Execute the following commands (as root) to add the repository to your system:

mkdir -p -m0755 /etc/apt/keyrings
curl https://download.koromix.dev/debian/koromix-archive-keyring.gpg -o /etc/apt/keyrings/koromix-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/koromix-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.koromix.dev/debian stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koromix.dev-stable.list

Once this is done, refresh the repository cache and install the package:

apt update
apt install meestic

For other distributions, you can build the code from source as documented below.

Linux (RPM)

A signed RPM repository is provided, and should work with RHEL, Fedora and Rocky Linux (9+).

Execute the following commands (as root) to add the repository to your system:

curl https://download.koromix.dev/rpm/koromix-repo.asc -o /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/koromix-repo.asc

echo "[koromix]
name=koromix repository
gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/koromix-repo.asc" > /etc/yum.repos.d/koromix.repo

Once this is done, install the package with this command:

dnf install meestic

For other distributions, you can build the code from source as documented below.

Graphical interface

MeesticTray runs in the system tray, and provides customizable profiles that you can cycle through with the tray icon or with the keyboard light function key.


Simply download and run MeesticTray.exe manually, or set it up to run when Windows starts. It provides a system tray icon, you can left click on it to switch to the next profile or right click to get a list of configured profiles.

Create a file named MeesticTray.ini (or MeesticGui.ini) to customize the profiles, and put it either:

Restart MeesticTray to apply changes made to the file.


Install the Debian package to configure the system daemon (which is necessary to manage access to the HID device) and the GUI application. Both will start automatically but you may need to restart your session to see the system tray icon.

mkdir -p -m0755 /etc/apt/keyrings
curl https://download.koromix.dev/debian/koromix-archive-keyring.gpg -o /etc/apt/keyrings/koromix-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/koromix-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.koromix.dev/debian stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koromix.dev-stable.list

Once this is done, refresh the repository cache and install the package:

apt update
apt install meestic

If you are using GNOME, please install an extension such as Tray Icons: Reloaded or the MeesticTray tray icon may not be visible.

Customize /etc/meestic.ini to edit default profiles. Restart the daemon after each change to load the new profiles with:

sudo systemctl restart meestic

Example configuration

Here is an example:

# The profile set with the "Default" will run when the GUI starts
# Read the commented out section at the end for possible profile values

Default = Disabled

[Static Blue]
Mode = Static
Colors = MsiBlue

[Breathe Slow]
Mode = Breathe
Speed = 0
Colors = #FFA100 MsiBlue

Mode = Transition
Speed = 2
Colors = #ff0000 #ffa500 #ffff00 #008000 #0000ff #4b0082 #ee82ee

Mode = Disabled

# [Example]
# Intensity = 0 to 10
# Speed = 0 to 2
# Mode = Disabled, Static, Breathe or Transition
# Colors = list of Colors (only one for Static, 1 to 7 for Breathe or Transition), use name or CSS-like hexadecimal
# ManualOnly = Yes or No (if Yes, the option must be used from the context menu and won't be used when cycling modes with the function keys)

Command-line version

Here are a few examples on how to use it:

# Disable lighting
meestic -m Disabled

# Set default static MSI blue
meestic -m Static MsiBlue

# Slowly breathe between Orange and MsiBlue
meestic -m Breathe -s 0 "#FFA100" MsiBlue

# Quickly transition between Magenta, Orange and MsiBlue colors
meestic -m Transition -s 2 Magenta Orange MsiBlue

Use meestic --help for a list of available options.

Be careful, color names and most options are case-sensitive.

Build from source

Start by cloning the git repository:

git clone https://github.com/Koromix/rygel
cd rygel


In order to build Meestic on Windows, clone the repository and run these commands from the root directory in a Visual Studio command prompt (x64 or x86, as you prefer):

felix -pFast meestic MeesticTray

After that, the binaries will be available in the bin/Fast directory.


In order to build Meestic on Linux, clone the repository and run these commands from the root directory:

# Install required dependencies on Debian or Ubuntu:
sudo apt install build-essential libudev-dev

# Build binaries
./felix -pFast meestic MeesticTray

After that, the binaries will be available in the bin/Fast directory.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Find more information here: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/#GPL